Aamir Khan’s daughter Ira Khan’s daughter Aira Khan has shared some pictures of her in a bikini and shirt on which someone has given her the proposal of marriage, while someone is calling them ‘shameless’.
Aamir Khan’s daughter Ira Khan’s daughter Aira Khan (Ira Khan) is quite cool on social media. Aira shares her every small talk and happiness on social media openly. Aaira has shared some of her latest pictures, in which she is seen in a shirt with a bikini. Social media users are making different comments on these pictures of Aira.
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Aamir Khan’s daughter Aaira has shared two of her latest pictures on Instagram. In these pictures, Aira is seen sitting on a chair with children on the side of the swimming pool. Posting these pictures, he has also written that he was challenged by not telling this chair as the real chair, on which he showed it by sitting.
In one of these pictures, there is a side picture, in which Aira is seen resting on the chair and one leg is seen in the swimming pool. In the second photo, there is a front photo in which she is seen in a shirt with an orange bikini. These pictures of Aira are getting mixed reactions.
Some have given the proposal of marriage to them after seeing these pictures, and some have even called them shameless. At the same time, there are many people who are seen talking to him to remove the Khan title from his name.
Recently Aira shared a fun selfie with her boyfriend Nupur Shikhare and wrote that they are ready for the lockdown. Aira and Nupur often share their bonding fans on social media. The two revealed their relationship on Valentines Day this year.