Mumbai. Everyone knows today actress Rashmika Mandanna, who has created panic from South to North. Rashmika has won the hearts of fans with her smile so much that she is now known as National Crush. These days the actress is busy in the promotions of her upcoming film Pushpa. Because of this, he has to face the media on a daily basis. In such a situation, another new song of her film Pushpa has been released, whose name is ‘I Bidda Idhi Na’, this song has been released recently.
Since now Rashmika is going to debut in Bollywood as well, she has started interacting with the North audience as well. In such a situation, a video of her has surfaced, in which Rashmika was seen promoting Pushpa with Allu Arjun in Mumbai. During this, a lot of crowd had gathered to see Allu Arjun.
Famous celebrity photographer Viral Bhayani has shared several glimpses of the event on Instagram, in which Allu and Rashmika are seen together. Apart from this, she has shared many videos, in which there is a great craze among the fans to see these stars.
One of these videos is also such, in which Rashmika Mandanna, dressed in a bottle green color lehenga, smiles while blinking at the paparazzi. This video of Rashmika is now making a lot of noise. Netizens have also started reacting after seeing this look of the actress.
Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna’s film Pushpa is releasing world wide, which will be released in multiple languages. These include languages like Tamil, Telugu, Hindi and English. Recently the film’s ‘I Bidda Idhi Na’ has been released, which is getting a lot of love from the fans.