Satish Kaushik Death: Bollywood veteran actor Satish Kaushik has passed away. He left this world in the early hours of Thursday. Anupam Kher, a close friend of Satish Kaushik, shared the information about his death on Twitter. Kher wrote, I know “death is the last truth of this world!” But I never thought in my wildest dreams that I will write about my best friend #SatishKaushik while I am alive. Such a sudden full stop on friendship of 45 years…
New Delhi: Satish Kaushik Death: Bollywood veteran actor Satish Kaushik has passed away. He left this world in the early hours of Thursday. Anupam Kher, a close friend of Satish Kaushik, shared the information about his death on Twitter. Kher wrote, I know “death is the last truth of this world!” But I never thought in my wildest dreams that I will write about my best friend #SatishKaushik while I am alive. Such a sudden full stop on friendship of 45 years…
Left this world at the age of 66
Satish Kaushik said goodbye to this world at the age of 66. Anupam Kher wrote on Twitter, without Satish, life will never be the same again. He posted this on Twitter on the morning of 9 March. Many people are paying tribute to Satish Kaushik on this. Lok Sabha member PP Chowdhary also wrote Om Shanti on Anupam’s post.
जानता हूँ “मृत्यु ही इस दुनिया का अंतिम सच है!” पर ये बात मैं जीते जी कभी अपने जिगरी दोस्त #SatishKaushik के बारे में लिखूँगा, ये मैंने सपने में भी नहीं सोचा था।45 साल की दोस्ती पर ऐसे अचानक पूर्णविराम !! Life will NEVER be the same without you SATISH ! ओम् शांति! 💔💔💔
— Anupam Kher (@AnupamPKher) March 8, 2023
Acted in about 100 films
Please tell here that Satish Kaushik was a veteran actor of Bollywood. He was born on 13 April 1956 in Mahendragarh, Haryana. It is said about Kaushik that he has acted in about 100 films. His first film was Masoom. He started his acting career in 1983 with this film.
Kaushik also tried his hand in direction
Along with the actor, Satish Kaushik also tried his hand at direction. He directed the film Roop Ki Rani Choron Ka Raja in the year 1993. He directed more than 10 films. Satish Kaushik was a wonderful comic actor. However, his identity was not only for comedy. He proved his mettle with his acting in films of every genre. Priyanka Chopra panicked after surgery, doctors had made a big mistake, there was danger of ending her career!