South actress Pooja Hegde keeps raising the temperature of social media with her bo*ld pictures. Whenever the actress shares her glamorous pictures on Instagram, the fans lose their hearts every time on her looks. Recently Pooja Hegde has shared pictures of her latest bo*ld photoshoot in which she is seen posing very stunning. See viral pictures of the actress…
Pooja Hegde is creating a lot of buzz these days about her film Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan.
Recently, the actress has shared some hot pictures during her latest photoshoot.
Actress Pooja Hegde is looking stunning in these pictures. Seeing this look of her, the heartbeat of the fans has also increased.
Actress Pooja Hegde is wearing a body fit outfit in gray color in her latest look.
This dress of Pooja Hegde is very stylish and fitting. Fans have also lost their hearts once again on these pictures of her.
Actress Pooja Hegde completed her look with open hair, light makeup and nude lipstick.
Please tell that this look of the actress is suiting her a lot. In these pictures, Pooja Hegde is seen flaunting her curvy figure in front of the camera.
Pooja Hegde remains very active on social media. Her fan following list on Instagram is also very strong.