Bhojpuri actress Akshara Singh has shared a latest video on Instagram, which is quite viral on the internet.
Bhojpuri queen Akshara Singh does not need any identity today. The actress is counted among the famous personalities of Bhojpuri cinema. Akshara has achieved this special recognition in the industry due to her hard work. The number of her fans is in lakhs. She also does not leave a single opportunity to maintain the craze among the fans about herself.
Actually, Akshara Singh has shared a new video on her Instagram. In this video, Akshara Singh is seen making a reel on Shah Rukh Khan and Shilpa Shetty’s famous song ‘Kitabein Bahut Si Padhi Hoga Tumne…’. In the video, Amrapali is seen wearing glasses, wearing a blue color suit, eyes twinkle. Sharing this video, Akshara has also written a funny caption. The actress has written – Reading someone’s face is more difficult than reading a book. Along with this, the actress has written asking the question – do you agree.
This funny style of Akshara Singh is being liked by her fans. This is the reason why this video of Akshara Singh, shared a few hours ago, has got millions of likes and views so far. On this video of Akshara Singh, her fans are also commenting fiercely.