Mumbai. Fans’ favorite Anupama and Anuj have once again made the day of all their fans. Anupama aka Rupali Ganguly has shared a very romantic video on Instagram, seeing which you will also say that you are a pair. According to his promise, Rupali Ganguly has shared a romantic video of Anuj and Anupama, in which the chemistry of both is being made on sight. Both are looking amazing in red and black themed outfits.
This romantic dance video of Anupama and Anuj has surfaced from the middle of the Christmas party, which has been filmed on the song ‘Kaun Tujhe Yun Pyaar Karega’. Looking into each other’s eyes, Anuj and Anupama, immersed in each other’s thoughts, have started a romance in the house itself. The lyrics of the song are also exactly matching with the recent track running in the serial. Anupama has fallen in love with Anuj, but she has not been able to express him yet.
After watching the video, fans can also be seen giving their reaction fiercely. One user has written – You are the best couple of both the worlds. Not only this, in the video, Anuj and Anupama have danced with each other as well as hugged each other, which has not happened in the serial as of now. In such a situation, seeing both of them getting romantic with each other, some people have demanded to show this track in the show. With this, people have rained red heart and fire emoji on the post.