Shah Rukh Khan, the king of Bollywood, often shares some or the other post with his social media handle. But his son Aryan Khan had taken a break from social media for a long time.
Mumbai: Shah Rukh Khan, the king of Bollywood, often shares some or the other post with his social media handle. But his son Aryan Khan had taken a break from social media for a long time. Now he has shared some pictures on his Instagram account, which is becoming quite viral. Starkid last shared a picture of himself on August 15, 2021 and since then he has now shared something.
In his post, Aryan Khan Shares pic with brother & sister has shared a group picture with younger sister Suhana Khan and dear younger brother AbRam. In the second picture, only the two brothers are seen. With this post, Aryan wrote in the caption, ‘Hat-trick.’ Aryan Khan’s post is being liked a lot in the Instagram world. But the one thing that caught everyone’s attention is the comment of Shahrukh Khan, the father of these children.
After seeing the picture of his children, the actor wrote something that everyone would agree with. Like a perfect father, he complained to his children about not having these pics with him and also demanded to give them. Shahrukh wrote, ‘Why don’t I have these pictures!!!!! Send them to me now.’ On father’s comment Aryan replied to him, “I will send them to you next time I post. Maybe in a few years.”
Aryan, seen with AbRam and Suhana in the picture, is being liked a lot by the netizens and so far it has got more than five lakh ‘likes’. Celebs of B-town have also given their feedback on this. While Aryan’s sister Suhana has also commented, she first wrote, ‘Love you’, while in the second comment she wrote, ‘Thanks for cropping me.’
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