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Home Personal Finance Bank Fraud: Manager and cashier absconded with the money of the account...

Bank Fraud: Manager and cashier absconded with the money of the account holders of this bank

Bank Fraud: Manager and cashier absconded with the money of the account holders of this bank
Bank Fraud: Manager and cashier absconded with the money of the account holders of this bank

Lakhs of rupees were withdrawn from the accounts of account holders in Indian Bank of Jasrana in Firozabad, UP. Seven lakhs were withdrawn from one account and 17 lakhs from another. The branch manager and cashier are also missing since the matter came to light. No complaint has been lodged.

Lakhs of rupees were withdrawn from the accounts of account holders in Indian Bank of Jasrana in Firozabad, UP. Seven lakhs were withdrawn from one account and 17 lakhs from another. The branch manager and the cashier are also missing since the matter came to light. No complaint has been received. A team of bank officials is investigating. A large number of people of the area have accounts in the Indian Bank branch located in the market. Businessmen also open accounts in the bank and there are many old account holders as well who are from rural areas.

It is said that lakhs of rupees have been withdrawn from the accounts of the account holders in the bank. When the information about the withdrawal of money from the accounts spread, a crowd of account holders gathered in the bank to get the entry in the passbook. Police force also reached the spot. A team of bank officials from Agra reached the bank to investigate. The team of officers was checking the records.

The money was saved penny by penny, now how will the daughters get married

The people who withdrew money from the accounts of the account holders did not just take away lakhs of rupees. Somewhere they took away the dreams of a mother and somewhere they took away the sleep of families who were busy preparing for the marriage of their daughters. The account holders have lost their sleep. A huge amount has been withdrawn from each account, which has surprised them too. The account holders kept roaming from one table to another in the bank the whole day in the hope that somehow the money deposited by them could be returned, the only thing on the lips of the bank officials was that it would be possible to say something after investigation.

Meera, a resident of a village in Jasrana, was shocked when she reached the bank and got the entry made in the passbook. There were 11 lakh rupees in the passbook, but only four lakh rupees were visible in the entry. When Meera told the bank officials, they said that you must have withdrawn seven lakh rupees. Tears came out of Meera’s eyes. Meera burst into sobs. Widow Meera had kept this money in the bank for the marriage of her daughters, so that it remains safe, but here lakhs of rupees were lost in one go. While crying Meera was saying only one thing that she had saved money penny by penny, whatever amount she got, she should have deposited it in the bank so that she could marry off her daughters, now how will the daughters get married.

On getting the information about the withdrawal of money from the account, Meera called an acquaintance and waited for him outside the bank for a long time. This was not the case with Meera alone. Many people were wandering around worried with their passbooks and statements in their hands. A contractor was also seen running here and there. After the withdrawal of lakhs of rupees from the accounts, it was difficult to understand what to do. Someone had to make payment and someone needed money. The same was the condition of businessmen. Someone had to make payment for the goods in the coming days and someone had saved money for some other work.

The amount can reach crores

Till Friday afternoon, ten people have come forward. There is an allegation of withdrawal of Rs 53.40 lakh from their accounts. It is believed that the number of such account holders can be more and this amount can reach crores.

Money not withdrawn from account, account holders returned empty handed

On receiving information about money missing from bank accounts, many account holders reached the bank to withdraw money, but they had to face disappointment after reaching there. Although a new cashier has been sent from Firozabad to the bank, but seeing the crowd of account holders withdrawing money, the cashier clearly said that investigation is going on in the bank right now. Money will not be withdrawn until the investigation of the records is completed. This is also increasing the anger among the account holders.

Messages used to come earlier, but no message about withdrawal of money came

Many account holders said that when they used to withdraw money from the bank, they used to get messages, but when this amount was withdrawn from the bank, no message came on the mobile. Money has been withdrawn from one lakh rupees at a time from someone’s account, while two lakh rupees have been withdrawn from someone’s account. The victims say that the fraud has been done with complete planning. The bank administration also blocked the message while withdrawing money, so that people do not get information about withdrawal of money from the account.

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