New IFSC Code has been issued by Bank of Baroda. Now you can easily find out your new code sitting at home.
New Delhi: There is big news for those who have an account in Bank of Baroda. New IFSC Code has been issued by the bank. Now you can easily find out your new code sitting at home. After the bank merger, the code of the customers has changed. Till now, it was given exemption by the bank that you can transfer money through your old code, but after July 1, 2021, your old IFSC Code will not work.
Let us tell you that two years ago in the year 2019 Vijaya Bank and Dena Bank were merged with Bank of Baroda, only after which these codes were changed. After June 30, the codes of customers of Dena Bank and Vijaya Bank will stop working. After tomorrow you will not be able to transfer money using your old code. Let us tell you how you can find out the new code-
How to know new IFSC Code-
- Customers can find out the new IFSC Code by visiting the branch of the bank.
- The new code can also be found through the letter and SMS sent by the bank.
- Apart from this, you can also find out by calling toll free number 18002584455/18001024455.
- Apart from this, it can also be traced through SMS.
- Find out through SMS like this
- To SMS, you can also find the IFSC code by sending the last four digits of the MIGR account number to 8422009988 from your registered mobile number.
Find it from official link
You can also find out about your new IFSC Code by clicking on this official link
What is IFSC Code?
Let us tell you that IFSC ie (IFSC) is an 11 digit code. This code is given to all banks by RBI (Reserve Bank of India). This 11 character code is used in electronic payment. The name of the bank is revealed by its initial four digits. In this the fifth digit is zero. The last 6 digits indicate the branch code. The IFSC code of BOB starts with BARB.