Duck Duck Go: A search engine that claims that it does not record personal information of users like Google. You can also use this search engine as an extension of Google Chrome.
Google is currently number-1 in terms of search engine and web browser. It is fast, smooth and runs smoothly on any device from cheap to expensive smartphones. But Google Search and Google Chrome are behind as far as privacy is concerned.
Whatever you search on Google, Google stores it. Similarly, Google Chrome browser also has a system that stores the data of your visited website. Actually, a large part of Google’s earnings comes from advertising, so the company earns money by storing data.
Now it is up to you whether you want to search something without informing anyone or want to do a private search. You have a good option so that you can search and browse while staying private.
There is a popular privacy focused search engine named DuckDuck Go. The company makes sure that the data of whatever you are searching on this platform does not go to anyone. That’s why the company does not store your data at all.
Since data is not stored when you search here, you will not get personalized suggestions while searching here like Google. You will search whatever you want, this browser will not give you any suggestion by itself, the way it is found in Google and Google Chrome.
DuckDuck also has a Google Chrome extension that you can add to Google Chrome and browse with privacy. It can be downloaded from the Google Play Store on the Android smartphone from the App Store on the iPhone.
The company claims that it never tracks the user the way Google and other companies do. You can also avoid advertisements by using this. You can avoid websites that track your information.
This company also claims that the personal information of the user is not stored. You can also use it as a search engine and you can also use it by installing extension in the browser.