Actress Rani Chatterjee is very active on social media. Every day she keeps sharing her latest look with the fans. Now once again she has posted some photos showing a glimpse of the new look.
New Delhi: Bhojpuri actress Rani Chatterjee is no longer interested in any identity today. She has achieved a special place in the industry on the basis of her acting and likable performances. Rani’s fans are present across the country and eagerly wait for her films. Rani is also known in the industry for her bubbly style.
Rani is seen in net top
Apart from her films, Rani also stays connected with her fans through social media. She often keeps posting her photos and videos with fans. Now once again Rani has come into the limelight due to her latest look. This time she is seen in a black netted top, in which she looks as glamorous as ever.
Fans are crazy
Rani is wearing loose pants of black color to complete her look. She has completed her look with red hot lipstick here. Now these photos of Rani have got thousands of likes and comments in a few hours.
Fans have started tying bridges of praise for her looks. One fan wrote, ‘You are very beautiful.’ At the same time, another fan wrote, ‘There is no one like you.’
Rani is in discussion about this film
Talking about Rani’s work front, soon she is going to be seen in the next Bhojpuri film ‘Bhabhi Maa’. She has recently completed shooting for them. Some time back, Rani’s look was revealed from this film, after which there was a lot of curiosity among the fans for the film.