Priyanka Chahar Choudhury Ankit Gupta Video: Bigg Boss 16 runner up Priyanka Chahar Choudhury and Ankit Gupta have been spotted together in Mumbai. On this occasion, Priyanka Chahar Chaudhary was wearing Thai high slit stylish red color dress. At the same time, she was also wearing matching heels. She had put on make-up. She tied her hair and she is seen standing and posing boldly.
Ankit Gupta is also seen with Priyanka Chahar Chowdhary.
Ankit Gupta is also seen along with Priyanka Chahar Chaudhary. He is wearing white jeans and short shirt. Both are seen smiling looking at the camera. The videos of both have been shared by Viral Bhayani on Instagram. With this she has written, ‘Priyanka Chahar Chaudhary and Ankit Gupta.’ Many people have also made funny comments on his video.
‘Beloved together, not visible’
The videos of both have gone viral on Instagram. It has got around 6.5 thousand likes. At the same time, more than 600 comments have been made on the video. 1 fan has written, ‘Today I am very happy.’ One has written, ‘God has listened to Priyanka’s fans.’ One has written, ‘It was a great pleasure to see Priyankit together.’ One wrote, ‘I still can’t believe it.’ One has written, ‘Beloved together, don’t be seen.’ Fans also call both of them by the name of Priyankit.
Priyanka and Ankit have become very famous from Bigg Boss 16.
Significantly, both have become quite famous since Bigg Boss 16. Both had come very close in Bigg Boss itself. They have also decided to take their relationship forward. Both were also recently seen in a music video. The song of both became quite viral. Both are working together in many projects. Both are TV actors. Both play important roles in many shows. Both are also seen together in many award shows. There has also been an increase in the social media fan following of both. Salman Khan was seen posing with Suhana-Aryan and Gauri, people said- ‘If Bhaijaan would have married on time’…..