Bill gates with dolly chai wala: Bill Gates has shared a video on his Instagram account. In this, Bill Gates first says that he wants a tea. After this, Dolly Chaiwala can be seen making tea in her unique style.
The famous Dolly Chaiwala is once again in the headlines due to its unique way of making tea. One of his videos is becoming increasingly viral on social media, seeing which people are unable to believe their eyes. Bill Gates, one of the world’s richest men, has shared this video on his Instagram account. In this, Bill Gates first says that he wants a tea. After this, Dolly Chaiwala can be seen making tea in her unique style. They pour the milk from a long distance.
After this video surfaced, people could not believe their eyes. There was a flood of memes on social media. People are sharing different types of memes. He says that it cannot be said what else can be seen in 2024. Talking about Dolly Chaiwala, he sells tea in Nagpur. People like his way of making tea. Food vloggers come from far and wide to make their videos. Apart from this, Dolly is also very famous because of her hairstyle and way of wearing clothes.
While sharing this video, Bill Gates wrote in its caption, ‘In India, you can see innovation everywhere. Even making a simple cup of tea!’ It is shown in the video that Dolly adds tea leaves, ginger and cardamom to milk to make tea. In the text of the video, Bill Gates says that I am excited to come to India again. Which is the home of unique innovations. To work in a new way. To save and improve lives. This video has been watched by 8.2 million people so far. People are giving their feedback by commenting on this.