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Home India CBSE New Subjects: Big news for students! 10 subjects including 3 languages...

CBSE New Subjects: Big news for students! 10 subjects including 3 languages will have to be studied in 9th-10th, two languages are mandatory in 11th-12th.

CBSE New Subjects: Big news for students! 10 subjects including 3 languages will have to be studied in 9th-10th, two languages are mandatory in 11th-12th.

CBSE Board has issued instructions to the affiliated schools regarding the National Framework prepared under the new education policy. Under the new rules, students of class 10th and 12th will study two Indian languages along with one foreign language. Now

NEP 2020, CBSE Board Syllabus: It will be mandatory to study three languages in 9th-10th board and two in 11th-12th. Under the new education policy, CBSE has given instructions to all the schools regarding the National Framework. In 9th-10th, children will study two Indian languages along with one foreign language. In class 9th-10th, children will now have to study 10 subjects including three language subjects. Currently there are five main subjects and one vocational.

The study hours for each subject have also been fixed. Under this, schools have been instructed to prepare. There will be 120 hours of study on language, environment education and 150 hours of science and social science. At least 50 hours of project work has also been made mandatory in every subject.

60 hours of study of art and physical education: Satish Kumar Jha, secretary of CBSE school organization Sahodaya, said that now art and physical education has also been made mandatory. In this, 60 hours have been given for Art, Physical and Well Being. Have to pass 10 subjects in 9th-10th. Language One can include any foreign language, including English, French, German and Spanish.

Whereas in Language 2-3, two Indian languages Hindi, Sanskrit, Punjabi and Bengali have been kept. There will still be three subjects in the core subjects, which are Mathematics, Science and Social Science. Whereas, skill subjects include Computer, Physical Education, Art Education and Environment Education.

There will be six subjects in 11th, you will have to pass all of them.

Mr. Jha said that there will be two language subjects and four other subjects in class 11th. Must pass in these six subjects. Now there will be a credit system for everyone along with marks. Guidelines have been given to schools regarding how much credit is there in which subject. Shri Jha said that there is a possibility of having board exams twice, only those with good marks in theory will be taken.

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