Chanakya has described many such policies in his Niti Shastra with the help of which man can overcome the sufferings of his life. In the fourth chapter of ‘Chanakya Niti’, he tells about three people who are allegedly born twice.
Acharya Chanakya, who overthrew the Nanda dynasty on the strength of his policies, has described many such policies in his ethics, with the help of which man can overcome the sufferings of his life. In the fourth chapter of ‘Chanakya Niti’, he tells about three people who are allegedly born twice. Also, in the next verse, he tells who is revered for a Brahmin who is considered worthy of worship. Let’s know about them …
Agnardevo Dwijatinam, Muninam Hridi Daivatam.
Statue Swalpabuddhinam, everywhere Samadarshin:
In the fourth chapter of Chanakya Niti, Acharya Chanakya says that Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaishyas are born twice, once from the womb of the mother and the second time after being given knowledge by the Guru. Therefore, they are called two-caste. His deity is Agni.
In contrast, the gods of the sages reside in their hearts. Gods reside in idols for a man of low intelligence. But the person who sees the whole world in the same way, his gods exist in every particle of the world.
Gururganirdvijatinam Varnanan Brahmano Guru:
Patirev Guru: Streeanam Sarvajyabhyogato Guru:
In the first verse of the fifth chapter of Chanakya Policy, Chanakya mentions the Guru. They say that for Brahmin, Kshatriya and Vaishya, Agni is like a guru. Since the Brahmin is worshiped by the four varnas, he is the guru of all. Similarly, husband is everything for women.
But Chanakya has called the guest honorable and revered for all. In this context, they argue that the guest wants only the welfare of the hospitality. He has no selfish interest in it, so he is superior.