Guarantee-Free loans: Rs 40 crore has been earmarked for the Chief Minister Small Shop Welfare Scheme. In its initial phase, a target has been set to include 75,000 people falling in the age group of 18-55.
Guarantee-Free loans: Himachal Pradesh government has provided guarantee-free loans to small enterprises and skill-based workers like cobblers, tailors, barbers and vegetable vendors. Announced to start the scheme of giving loan.
According to the official statement of the state government, Rs 40 crore has been earmarked for ‘Mukhyamantri Laghu Shop Kalyan Yojana- MMLDKY’. In its initial phase, a target has been set to include 75,000 people falling in the age group of 18-55.
Loan will be available up to Rs 50 thousand
According to the statement, the state government has prepared a comprehensive scheme to offer guarantee-free loans to small-scale enterprises to strengthen them financially. They will be provided an easy loan up to Rs 50,000 with a substantial interest subsidy of 50%.
Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu said, the aim of this scheme is to empower small entrepreneurs and boost the economy of the state. He said the state government intends to provide vital support to people who often face barriers in accessing financial resources, which will also strengthen the state’s economy.
These people will get loan
The Chief Minister said that apart from small enterprises, skill-based workers like cobblers, tailors, barbers, mobile repairing vendors working in rural areas, vegetable and fruit vendors and others running their own businesses will be covered under the MMLDKY scheme. Will be included.