Credit Card Limit: The number of people using credit cards in the country has increased rapidly. According to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), now the number of people using credit cards has crossed 5 crores. At the same time, during the Coronavirus, many people lost their business. From above, the banks have also reduced the credit card limit. Most of the people did not even know that their purchase limit has now been reduced. Due to this they are facing all kinds of problems.
Banks can increase or decrease the credit limit
According to the rules, depending on your liability, timely bill payment and the mode of purchase, the bank can increase and decrease the credit card limit. Although it has many rules, but usually it does so only. When he realizes from the cardholder’s spending pattern that the client can be a defaulter at any time. After this the bank automatically reduces the credit card limit.
Problems caused by low credit score
Many problems arise due to the reduction of the credit limit. This reduces your purchases and credit score. Decreasing credit score makes it difficult for him to take loans etc. In such a situation when he needs money the most. Then the banks can deny him the loan. It is also not easy to stop the banks from doing this. The reason for this is that while giving the credit card, they get the form filled by the card holder. In which such conditions are written. Usually people do not read and sign these terms. Which banks take advantage of.
keep checking credit report
There is no reduction in your credit limit. It is very important to check it regularly. For this, you should keep checking your credit report and credit score. According to the rules, there is a rule to give credit report to the customer at least once in a year. Many banks also provide this facility for free. You can also watch it online. From this report you also get to know whether any person is doing cyber fraud and transferring money from your credit card to any other account. If someone is doing this then your credit score can be affected. Make payment on time
If you want to avoid the reduction of Credit Card Limit, then first of all you have to stop wasteful spending. Due to this bad habit, people are unable to pay their credit card bills on time. Which affects their credit limit and credit score. If you have this problem with you, then you can overcome it with the help of a counselor.
Take care before spending
Make any expenditure according to your budget. Don’t let it happen that you buy something bigger than your capacity and then worry about paying for it later. Apart from this, always keep the card in use and do not close it. By taking these measures, you will never reduce your credit card limit and your credit card score will also remain high.