Divyanka Tripathi also told that it is often tried to make newcomers believe that all the people coming into the industry have to go through this. That is, everyone has the same experience in the industry. But, because I knew in advance that this was all nonsense, I was having a lot of fun.
Mumbai: Many stars of the entertainment world have made revelations about the casting couch so far. The names of many big celebrities are also included in this. TV actress Divyanka Tripathi has also shared her experience regarding Casting Couch. Divyanka Tripathi told that when she was new in the industry and looking for a big break, she was offered to spend time with a director. Divyanka also told that she was also threatened with ruining her career if she did not do so.
However, it is another matter that all this did not make any difference to her career and she managed to make a big break in her name. Divyanka further told, because she already knew that all this is a lie, in such a situation she had a lot of fun. In an interview, Divyanka Tripathi said that during the break of an aspiring actor, many people want to take advantage.
Already knew, everything is bullshit
While talking to Bollywood Bubble, Divyanka Tripathi also told that it is often tried to make newcomers believe that everyone entering the industry has to go through this. That is, everyone has the same experience in the industry. But, because I knew in advance that this was all nonsense, I was having a lot of fun.
Was asked to spend time with the director
The actress said- ‘You finish a show and then your struggle starts. There was a time when there was no money but no time. I used to pay my bills, EMIs. There was too much pressure. Meanwhile, an offer is available. If you want a big break then you have to spend time with this director. but why me?’
‘I was told that you are very intelligent. Selling it as if my life will be made of it and everyone is doing the same. This incident happened before the #MeToo movement. People who give such offers try to make you understand that this is what everyone in the industry is doing. They lure you in such a way that if you do not do this, you will be left behind. Nothing can happen to your career. If you don’t do this then your career will be ruined.