Bollywood actress Esha Gupta has posted some of her new bo*ld photos, which has created a ruckus on the internet. She only covered her whole body with shirt. These pictures of Isha are going viral like fire.
New Delhi: Bollywood’s superbo*ld actress Esha Gupta remains in the headlines for her bo*ldness. Whenever she shares her pictures on social media, it doesn’t take long for her to go viral. Now Esha Gupta has posted some of her bo*ld photos, which has created a ruckus on the internet. Seeing her pictures, the heartbeat of the fans has increased.
Esha Gupta went braless in front of the camera
Esha Gupta is seen braless in the photos. She is sitting on the sofa. She is wearing a shirt which she has buttoned only one. Isha has clicked photos in different bo*ld poses in front of the camera, in which the eyes of the fans are fixed on her killer beauty. In the pictures, the bo*ld style of Esha Gupta is being liked by her fans. Fans are praising her look by sharing heart and fire emoji in the comment section.
Esha Gupta has become Corona positive
Esha Gupta has recently become infected with Corona. She gave this information to the fans on Instagram. Isha wrote on her Insta story, ‘Even after following all the safety standards, I have become corona infected. I am following the Kovid rules and have quarantined myself at home. I hope to come back stronger than ever. You all stay safe and wear a mask. Take great care of yourself and do not forget to top the mask.
Isha will be seen in ‘Ashram 3’ series
Apart from bo*ldness, Esha Gupta is also in discussion about her personal life. She has been dating Manuel Campos Guallar for the past several years. She has not hidden her relationship from anyone. Isha often shares her photos with boyfriend, which her fans like very much. Let us inform that Esha Gupta will be seen in ‘Ashram 3’ web series with Bobby Deol. In this, she will play the role of a publicist for Bobby Deol.