Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan is known for his strong acting. SRK is liked not only in India but all over the world. His fans spend their lives on him. However, these days, there is a cloud of crisis on the family of Shahrukh Khan. Where Aryan Khan has been taken into custody by the NCB till 7 October in the cruise drugs case. Since then the entire Bollywood is supporting King Khan. Now in this difficult time, the fans of the actor have also come out in support. Fans are constantly encouraging Shahrukh by standing outside Mannat.
On the one hand, the fans are constantly encouraging Shahrukh Khan’s family by standing outside Mannat. On the other hand, fans are supporting King Khan fiercely on social media too. Not only this, #WeStandWithAryanKhan and #WeStandWithSRK are trending on Twitter and fans are tweeting in support.
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Many fans are standing outside Shahrukh Khan’s house with some posters. In which motivational things are written. The picture of Shahrukh Khan is seen in the posters. He wrote in the caption, ‘All of us fans from every corner of the world are your big fans and love you very much. We all stand with you in this testing time. Take Care King.
At the same time, it was written in a poster that ‘this time too will pass soon’. You and your family have full support of fans. At the same time, it was written in a post, ‘Your fans are standing for you till their last breath’. On another hoarding it was written, ‘Your fans settled in every corner of this world love you immensely and unconditionally. We are with you in this difficult time, King, take care.
We will support you @iamsrk till our last breath ♥#WeStandWithSRK #WeStandWithAryanKhan
— Razique (@Razique555_) October 5, 2021
Shahrukh Khan is getting support from all sides in this difficult time. There is a gathering of Bollywood stars at SRK’s house. Salman Khan and his entire family had reached to meet him. Apart from this, many actors including Sussanne, Mika Singh, Suchitra Krishnamurthy, Suniel Shetty, Vivek Vaswani, Sikandar Kher, Maheep Kapoor and Hansal Mehta have come out in support of Shahrukh.
This is the case
Let us tell you that on the secret information, the NCB team raided the Cordelia cruise ship going from Mumbai to Goa on the evening of 2 October. Many intoxicants were recovered in this raid. During the raid, 13 grams of cocaine, five grams of MD, 21 grams of charas and 22 tablets of ecstasy and Rs 1.33 lakh in cash were seized. After which Aryan Khan, Munmun Dhamecha and Arbaaz Merchant, Nupur Sarika, Ismeet Singh, Mohak Jaswal, Vikrant Chhokar and Gomit Chopra were arrested from the same cruise.