There are some settings of WhatsApp that do not go unnoticed. Through them, we can make our account completely secure. Let’s know about them.
After the new privacy policy controversy of instant messaging app WhatsApp, many users have started feeling uncomfortable in using it. They feel that their WhatsApp account is not safe. The new privacy policy has been postponed, but we are telling you some such settings in the app through which your WhatsApp account will be completely safe. Let’s know which seven settings.
Who can add to the group
Privacy settings of WhatsApp gives users the option to choose who can add them to the WhatsApp group. There are three options in the app, which allow either to add someone to a group or for a saved contact list and a pertinent contact list.
Who can see the status
WhatsApp users can select which contacts can see their WhatsApp status. The status privacy feature can be accessed from the Settings section of the app, and here users can choose to display their status in a particular contact list or limit it to only saved contacts.
Last Scene
Last Scene Privacy setting allows users to hide their last scene from others online. Under Settings, they can hide their last scene completely or set it to My Contact.
Profile Photo Like
other options, WhatsApp users also get the option to hide it completely or limit it to only My Contact.
are three options under the About About section. Users can either choose to show it to everyone, hide it completely or limit it to only My Contact.
Finger Screen Lock
WhatsApp users on Android can set a fingerprint lock, while new iPhone users have the option of using Face ID or Touch ID in the case of the iPhone’s physical screen button.