A four percent increase in Dearness Allowance (DA) has been fixed since January. 24% DA has been confirmed since July -2020. DA will increase to 28 per cent after four per cent increase. Apart from this, about 80 lakh central personnel will get benefit from all state employees and pensioners.
The Consumer Price Index was 330 in January 2020, 328 in February, 326 in March, 329 in April, 330 in May, 332 in June, 336 in July, 338 in August, 338 in August, 340 in September, 344 in October, 345 in November. . The Consumer Price Index for December, released on Friday, is 342 points.
Harishankar Tiwari, former president of AG Brotherhood, an expert on fixation of pay and pension, says the 12-month average score was 335 points. Accordingly the dearness allowance will be 28.14 percent. DA is taken in integers. In this case, DA will be payable 28 percent from January. He says the DA freezes from January 2020. In such a situation, the benefit of this increase will be received from the salary of July 2021.