Gratuity Amount: When you work continuously for 5 years in a company, you become entitled to receive gratuity. This amount is given as a reward for giving better services to a company for a long time. You get this amount based on the total duration of your job and salary. A certain formula is used for its calculation and whatever amount is generated is sent to your account. Usually the amount of gratuity is in lakhs. Instead of keeping this amount in the bank account or spending it somewhere, if you invest it, you can get better benefits. Know the options where gratuity amount can be invested.
Fixed Deposit
FD made in bank or post office is a safe option for investment. It gives fixed returns. This is the right option for those who give priority to the safety of their money instead of high returns.
Equity Mutual Funds
These invest in stocks (stock market) and have the potential to give higher returns in the long run. You can choose from a variety of mutual funds according to your financial condition, risk-taking capacity and investment period.
Debt Mutual Funds
Debt mutual funds invest primarily in bonds and other fixed-income investments and offer stable and less risky returns compared to equity funds.
Sovereign Gold Bonds
This is a digital and secure way of investing in gold. It also offers tax benefits. It has a fixed interest rate and lock-in period. However, the opportunity to invest in Sovereign Gold Bond is available after the government’s announcement. To invest in SGB, one has to apply between the fixed dates as per the government’s announcement.
Digital Gold
You can also buy digital gold using gratuity money. Digital gold is a way of buying gold online, that is, you buy gold in electronic form. It can also be purchased from apps like Google Pay, Paytm and PhonePe. You also get this gold with a guarantee of 24 carat purity. There is also an option to convert digital gold into physical gold. You can buy it even for just Rs 1.