Mumbai. Punjabi kudi Harnaaz Sandhu, who recently won the title of ‘Miss Universe’, is dominating social media these days. The actress is often seen giving visual treats to fans by updating her account with her glamorous photoshoots. In this episode, Harnaaz’s latest photoshoot is going viral on the internet. In which she is seen scorching on Priyanka Chopra’s song ‘Desi Girl’.
Harnaaz Sandhu has posted a video (Harnaaz Sandhu Video) on her official Instagram account. In which she is seen posing glamorous in black and silver color sequin sari. During this, she is also wearing the tiara of Miss Universe. Also, the song playing in the background is making this clip more attractive.
The desi avatar of Harnaaz in the video is heart-wrenching. Harnaaz has done absolutely light makeup with a sari, in which her face is seen glowing more. At the end of the photoshoot, Miss Universe is seen injuring everyone by hitting her eyes. This video of Harnaaz is a BTS clip, in which she is seen wielding knives on everyone’s heart with her style.
Sharing the clip, ‘Miss Universe’ wrote in the caption, ‘Desi Girl…behind the scenes during the shoot.’ This video of Harnaaz has been covered on the internet and till now it has got more than 6 lakh 19 thousand likes in the Instagram world. One user commented and wrote, ‘You look exactly like Priyanka Chopra’. Another wrote, ‘How can someone be so beautiful.’ Another writes, ‘Really… you are our real desi girl.’ Similarly, other fans have also been seen falling in love with Harnaaz by dropping the heart and fire emoji.