Best yoga poses for flat tummy: If you are also among those people who make excuses for not having time for not exercising or doing yoga, then this news is for you. Usually people are not able to pay attention to their fitness due to lack of time. Such people can maintain their health with the help of chair yoga.
What is Chair Yoga-
Chair Yoga can be easily practiced while sitting on a chair at home or office. Chair yoga is so easy to do that one does not even have to take the help of a yoga guru for its practice. The special thing is that chair yoga gives a person the same health benefits as normal yoga, such as improving muscle tone, reducing stress, improving breathing habits and getting rid of obesity etc.
These 3 yogasanas done by sitting on a chair will remove obesity
Chair Bitilasana and Marjari Asana- To do
this asana, first sit on a chair. After this, keep your spine straight and both feet on the floor. Place both the palms on the knees or thighs. While taking a long breath inward, expand the chest outward. Bend the spine and move the shoulders back. This is Bitilasana. Then while exhaling slowly, round the spine by taking it towards the back. Put the chin around the neck. Do this in such a way that the shoulders and head are tilted forward. This is a marjari seat. Do both these asanas slowly while inhaling and exhaling for at least 5 times.
Urdhva Hastasana- To do
this yoga posture , first of all, sit straight on the chair. Now while inhaling, raise both your hands upwards. Stay in this position for a few seconds. After this, while exhaling, bring the hands down. Do this yoga at least 10 times. While doing this, keep your back and the rest of the body straight.
Ardha Matsyendrasana- To do
this easy sit on the side of the chair. The chair should be on your left hand side. Holding the back of the chair, turn your head to the left. Try to stretch the spine in length while breathing. Try to bend the spine while exhaling. Do this exercise continuously for 5 times inhaling and exhaling. Then go back to normal. After this repeat the same process from the right hand side as well.