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Home Personal Finance Important News: Government makes zero balance FAStag! Recharge is not required, know...

Important News: Government makes zero balance FAStag! Recharge is not required, know the answers to all the questions


Four to five agencies are working on the national highway toll to make fastags. The RC and Aadhaar card of the vehicle are being given by hand by making FASTag.

Tolls went completely cashless on Monday (15 February) on all national highways of the country. Fastag was made compulsory for all trains from January 1, 2021 by the government. But later, the date of fasting was changed to 15 February giving some relief to the drivers. Now the cash payment at the toll plaza was completely stopped. Drivers without a fast tag will have to pay double tax. All toll-fastened vehicles will pass without interruption. Marshals have also been deployed at many tolls, who will make drivers aware to fasten. But do you know that the government also issues zero balance FAStag. Who benefits from this? Let’s know.

Let’s first know what is fastag

Let me tell you that Fastag is a sticker which is mounted on the windscreen of your vehicle. When you cross a toll plaza, the scanners installed there scan the vehicle sticker through the device Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Techniques and the money is deducted according to the location. Through this there is no need to stop the train at the toll.

Where to get FAStag

Four to five agencies are working on the national highway toll to make fastags. The RC and Aadhar card of the vehicle are being given and made fast by hand. Fastag is being made for local drivers for a monthly charge of Rs 275. For this, it is mandatory to have a local Aadhaar card. Fastags of zero balance have been issued for one MLA of the region and two trains of MP. The government department will have to apply for the fastag of zero balance on the NHAI website.

NHAI gave fast fast to MLAs and MPs

The zero balance fastags issued by the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) to MLAs and MPs are called Exposed Fastags. All the MPs and MLAs of the country have been given this.

Shashi Bhushan, GM of the National Highway Authority of India Gurugram, told TV9 Hindi that almost all the MPs have been issued the executed fastag.

Fastags were given for two trains of MPs. One for his parliamentary constituency and one for the capital Delhi, where he comes to attend the Parliament session. This fastag is valid on all national highways of the country.

Will the villagers now also need FASTag?

All villages falling within the 20 km area of ​​any toll plaza on the National Highway will be given a fast for a month for Rs 275. Car drivers living in nearby villages will be able to take advantage of this by showing their Aadhar card.

Who will get the facility of zero balance fastag

President of India, Vice President, Prime Minister, Governor of State, Chief Justice of India, Speaker of Lok Sabha, Cabinet Minister, Chief Minister, Chief Justice of High Court, Secretary to Government of India, Army Commander of Chief of Army Staff and equivalent in other services and Chief people of the state government

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