Indian Railways: Security measures are tightened across the country on the occasion of Republic Day. Security forces are deployed at every nook and corner in Delhi. Meanwhile, the Railways in Jodhpur, Rajasthan have banned parcel booking till January 26. This ban is for Delhi and surrounding areas. The entire station has been equipped with CCTV cameras.
Indian Railways: The 76th Republic Day will be celebrated in the country on 26 January. Its preparations are going on in full swing. Due to which many routes have been diverted from 23 to 26 January in the capital Delhi. Many routes have also been closed due to full dress rehearsal. Meanwhile, the railways in Rajasthan have taken a big decision. Jodhpur Railway of Rajasthan has banned parcel booking for Delhi and its surrounding areas till 26 January. This ban on parcel booking has started from 23 January. At the same time, passengers will be able to carry some luggage with them in the coach during this time.
Jodhpur Senior DCM Vikas Kheda of North Western Railway said that due to the Republic Day celebrations, attention has been paid to security arrangements. In such a situation, all types of parcel transactions, leased SLR, VP and demand VPS have been banned at all stations in Delhi area from 23 to 26 January.
CCTV cameras installed at the station
According to the information received from senior railway officials, parcels coming and going from all the states of the country have been banned. There will be no packing at the railway station warehouse. At the same time, no parcel will be booked. Only registered newspapers and magazines will be booked. The entire station premises including Jodhpur platform is being monitored with CCTV cameras. Railway Protection Force personnel have been deployed at every nook and corner. In other regional railways, booking of parcels for Delhi has been banned from 23 to 26 January.
Traffic advisory issued in Delhi
At the same time, rehearsal is going on in Delhi today (23 January 2025) in view of 26 January. For this, Delhi Traffic Police has issued an advisory. In this, traffic was closed at C-Hexagon – India Gate from 9.15 am till the parade crossed Tilak Marg. Apart from this, drivers were not allowed from both sides on Tilak Marg, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg and Netaji Subhash Marg from 10.30 am.