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Home India Indian Railways Rules: Big news for railway passenger! Changes in sleeping rules...

Indian Railways Rules: Big news for railway passenger! Changes in sleeping rules in AC and sleeper coaches, now berths will have to be vacated at this time

Indian Railways Rules: Big news for railway passenger! Changes in sleeping rules in AC and sleeper coaches, now berths will have to be vacated at this time

Indian Railways Rules: The time from 10 pm to 6 am is considered good for sleeping. If you also travel in train then follow the new sleeping time.

Railways New Rule For Passengers: If you also travel by train, then this news is useful for you. Yes, Railways has changed the timing of sleeping in trains. The first passengers could sleep for a maximum of nine hours during the night journey. But now this time has been reduced to 8 hours. Earlier, passengers were allowed to sleep in AC coaches and sleepers from 9 pm to 6 am. But according to the changed rules from the Railways, now you will be able to sleep only from 10 pm to 6 am. That is, now the time to sleep has reduced to 8 hours. This change will be applicable in all those trains which have sleeping arrangements.

Passengers were complaining for a long time

This change has been done so that all the passengers can get good sleep. The time from 10 pm to 6 am is considered good for sleeping. If you also travel in train then follow the new sleeping time. This will allow you and other passengers to have a sound sleep. Passengers traveling on lower berths have been complaining for a long time that passengers on middle berths go to sleep early at night and keep sleeping till late in the morning. Due to this, the passenger sitting on the seat below is in trouble. Sometimes there is a dispute between the passengers.

Action can be taken against you

In view of these complaints, Railways has changed the rules and timings of sleeping. According to the new rule, a passenger on the middle berth can sleep only from 10 pm to 6 am. After this he will have to vacate his berth. According to the new rule, the middle seat passenger can sleep by opening the berth from 10 am to 6 am. You can stop him from doing this before or after. After 6 am, it is necessary to lower the middle seat and you have to shift to the lower seat. If you do not do this, action can be taken against you.

According to the new rule, passengers with reserve tickets traveling on the lower seat cannot try to sleep on their seat before 10 am or after 6 pm. If a passenger violates these rules, a complaint can be made against the Railways.

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