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IRCTC: Now you can check yourself whether your waiting ticket will be confirmed or not by using these codes written on the ticket

IRCTC: Now you can check yourself whether your waiting ticket will be confirmed or not by using these codes written on the ticket

Trains are full of people going home during Diwali and Chhath. It is especially difficult to get a confirmed ticket in trains going to UP and Bihar. As soon as the ticket window opens four months in advance, the seats in the trains get full within a few hours. Getting a confirmed seat is like winning a battle.

Indian Railway Ticket: Trains are full of people going home during Diwali-Chhath. It is difficult to get confirmed tickets especially in trains going to UP-Bihar. As soon as the ticket window opens four months before, the seats of the trains get full within a few hours. Getting a confirmed seat is like winning a battle. People take waiting tickets in the hope that they might get a seat till the journey and the ticket gets confirmed. In this state of confusion whether the waiting ticket will be confirmed or not, people are neither able to prepare for the journey in advance nor make any other arrangement to go. But there are some codes in the railway waiting ticket, by decoding which you can find out whether your ticket will be confirmed or not.

These codes tell whether the waiting ticket will be confirmed or not

This news is important for those who have taken waiting tickets on Diwali-Chhath and are waiting to know whether their seat will be confirmed or not. Every passenger with a waiting ticket is in tension whether his ticket will be confirmed or not. Today we are going to tell you about some such codes, by looking at which you will be able to guess before the chart is prepared whether your waiting ticket will be confirmed or not.

These codes of waiting ticket are very useful

There are some codes in railway waiting ticket. Which we often ignore, but these codes are very useful. These codes can help you in understanding the ticket, in understanding the possibility of confirmation of waiting ticket. However, these codes do not mean that your waiting ticket will definitely get confirmed. You will just be able to estimate the possibility of confirmation.

Each code has its own meaning

1. If RLWL is written on your waiting ticket, then it means Remote Location Waiting List. Waiting tickets with RLWL code have very less chances of getting confirmed.

2. If PQWL is written on the waiting ticket, then it means Pooled Quota Waiting List. Waiting tickets with this code also have less chances of getting confirmed.

3. If GNWL is written on the ticket, then it means General Waiting List. There is a higher chance of tickets with this code getting confirmed.

4. Similarly, if TQWL is written on your ticket, it means Tatkal Quota Waiting List. This ticket has the lowest chance of getting confirmed. This ticket gets confirmed when the tickets booked under Tatkal quota get cancelled. Since the number of tickets booked under Tatkal quota is very less as compared to general tickets, the chances of its confirmation are very less.

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