Jhanvi Kapoor has shared a super fun video on Instagram. In this video, she is seen recreating Singer Himesh Reshammiya’s ‘Ice Cream Khaungi’ song with her team members. Along with Jhanvi, the girls of her team are Megan, Riviera, Apeksha and Mahnaz. Also friend Vaishnav is Praveen.
Jhanvi Kapoor is a young talented actress of Bollywood. Jhanvi is known for her excellent work in films. But at the same time, Jhanvi is also known for her fun-loving style. Jhanvi Kapoor is often seen having fun with her team. Some time ago she made a funny video of a member of her team, which became very viral. Now once again Jhanvi Kapoor has appeared with a fun video.
Jhanvi made funny video
Jhanvi Kapoor has shared a super fun video on Instagram. In this video, she is seen recreating Singer Himesh Reshammiya’s ‘Ice Cream Khaungi’ song with her team members. Along with Jhanvi, the girls of her team are Megan, Riviera, Apeksha and Mahnaz. Also friend Vaishnav is Praveen.
Brother Arjun commented
With this video, Jhanvi Kapoor has also expressed her love for South Star Vijay Sethupathi. Sharing the video, Jhanvi Kapoor wrote the caption, “Merry Christmas friends.” In such a situation, Janhvi’s elder brother Arjun Kapoor commented on the video, “Vaishnav will be launched soon, I feel so.” ‘
Earlier Jhanvi Kapoor shared a video in which Pooja, what is this behaviour? Dialog was used. That video had become quite viral. Talking about Jhanvi Kapoor’s projects, she is working with her father Boney Kapoor for the first time. Boney has produced Jhanvi’s new film ‘Mili’. Apart from this, Jhanvi will be seen in the films ‘Good Luck Jerry’ and ‘Dostana 2’.