Do you want to invest your money anywhere and get good money ..? But be sure to look at this scheme. Life Insurance Corporation of India, a leading insurance company, offers a wide range of schemes for LIC customers. There are many benefits to this.
Going into full details about these schemes .. LIC offers a variety of schemes for customers. One of these is also giving a special policy for women. Same Aadhaar rock policy . This will bring great benefits. And let us know for them.
Adarsh Shila policy provides income as well as protection. People between the ages of 8 and 55 can join the scheme. Money is available after maturity. The policy should be taken for at least Rs.75 thousand. The policy can be availed up to a maximum of Rs 3 lakh. The policy term ranges from 10 to 20 years.
If a 31-year-old woman takes out this policy with a term limit of 20 years, she will have to pay a premium of up to Rs 10,900 for the first year. That means saving Rs 29 per day is enough. 4 lakh after maturity.
If the policy expires .. the family will pay the insurance money. This is an endowment plan. That means you also get a bonus. Takes a lower premium.