Appreciation, the line producer of the film ‘The Kashmir Files’, committed suicide in his own house on June 30, 2021. As soon as Bollywood actor Anupam Kher got the news of Praise’s death, he was completely shocked, because he had talked recently. Anupam has also shared a long post and his last message for appreciation on his social media account, which is becoming very viral. Anupam said that Praise had sent this message to me a few days before his death.
Anupam wrote, ‘It is appreciated. When I was shooting for the film in Dehradun and Mussoorie. Then she was the line producer of ‘Kashmir Files’. The entire unit of the film celebrated his birthday on December 22 last year on the sets of the film itself. She had gone to her hometown Aligarh due to the lockdown.
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She was splendid in her work. On my mother’s birthday, Praise also sent a cute message. I had called her and we talked for a long time, but today I get a message from her phone that Praise is no more with us. On June 30, Prashant committed suicide. After reading that I was completely shaken. As soon as I got the message, I called Praisesh’s mother and found out that it was true.
Anupam further writes in his post, ‘Depression is affecting today’s young generation to a great extent. I pray for his soul to rest in peace and hope God gives strength to his mother and brother to deal with this grief. Very sad. om Shanti’