According to the latest update shared by the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) on Twitter, passengers will not be allowed to exit from the Rajiv Chowk metro station after 9 pm on New Year’s Eve i.e. December 31.
On New Year’s Eve i.e. 31 December, DMRC will not allow passengers to exit from Rajiv Chowk Metro Station after 9 pm. This information has been given in the latest update shared by Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) on X. DMRC says that this decision has been taken keeping in mind public safety. However, passengers will be allowed to enter the station.
DMRC says that following the advice of police officials, it has been decided that passengers will not be allowed to exit Rajiv Chowk Metro Station after 9:00 pm to ensure public safety and control the crowd on New Year’s Eve i.e. December 31. However, passengers will be allowed entry till the departure of the last train from Rajiv Chowk Metro Station on December 31.
Obviously, to attend the events organized at Connaught Place, people will have to reach before the said time. Not only this, QR tickets for Rajiv Chowk Metro Station will also not be issued from DMRC’s mobile app after 8:00 pm. Metro services on the rest of the network will continue to run on regular time. Passengers are requested to plan their journey keeping this advisory in mind.
It is worth noting that Delhi Metro services run from around 5:00 am to 23:30 pm. There is a slight difference in them according to different lines and stations. The Airport Express Line operates from 4:45 am to 23:30 pm. In the advisory issued by DMRC, people have been requested to cooperate with the deployed security personnel and metro officials.