Colors has shared the new promo of Naagin 6. In the promo, Tejashwi Prakash is introducing herself as one of the best serpents. It has been told in the promo – she is coming to save her from a conspiracy which will spread epidemic all over the world. The world is changing, the serpent has changed.
Take heart! This time not the serpent, but the best serpent is coming to save the world from a great danger. Now you must be thinking that why the best serpent instead of serpent? Brother, when Ekta Kapoor is going to present everything in the show on a grand level, then even the serpent will be more powerful and more powerful than before. Ekta Kapoor’s new serpent will have some such powers, so that she will be seen by all of you while protecting the world from a great danger.
Coming soon best naagin
Colors has shared the new promo of Naagin 6. In the caption of the promo, Tejashwi Prakash has been introduced as one of the best serpents. It has been told in the promo – she is coming to save her from a conspiracy which will spread epidemic all over the world. The world is changing, the serpent has changed.
Such is the look of TV’s new serpent Tejashwi Prakash
Bigg Boss 15 winner Tejashwi Prakash is the new Naagin of Ekta Kapoor’s show. In the stunning new promo, she is seen wearing golden attire and a lot of jewellery. Tejashwi is also seen entering a laboratory, where some chemical reactions are seen taking place, which can prove to be dangerous for people around the world. Tejashwi will be seen saving people from this big danger.
Fans are reacting like this
The promo of Naagin 6 is getting mixed reactions from the fans. Some people are quite excited to see Tejashwi Prakash as a serpent. At the same time, many users are making fun of this promo by calling it super funny. One user wrote – This is not funny, but very funny. Another user wrote – No one else could find this best serpent. Another user wrote – To be honest, they do not have the look and swag of a serpent.
At the same time, many users are calling this season a flop after watching the promo. One user wrote – This season will be a flop. When Tejashwi has been made a serpent and Simmba has been given the lead role. Really didn’t find anyone else? Another user wrote – Super flop