New Delhi: Bhojpuri’s hot actress Namrata Malla is in a lot of headlines these days for her Bhojpuri songs. The Bhojpuri song of the actress is going to be released soon. Now recently Namrata has got a very hot photoshoot done. In which she has given more than one color pose. Namrata has set the internet temperature high with her latest photoshoot. Now these pictures of her are spreading like fire on social media.
Namrata Malla has shared pictures of her latest photoshoot on her Instagram account. In which she is seen in a bralette, along with this she is also wearing a white colored shirt. She is wearing a very bo*ld dress. Talking about Namrata’s look, Namrata has done light makeup and has made a high ponytail. Namrata is looking very hot in this look.
In these pictures, Namrata has sometimes posed standing and sometimes sitting. Namrata is seen giving a very bo*ld pose. Seeing this, the eyes of the fans are not going away. This post has got 7,632 likes so far. Fans have shared this post with likes. At the same time, fans have also rained fiercely comments.