New Delhi. Hot and bold actress Amrapali Dubey is one of the top actresses of Bhojpuri cinema. The actress is called the dream girl of Bhojpuri films. Amrapali Dubey always dominates social media for one reason or the other. The pairing of him and actor Dinesh Lal Yadav aka Nirhua is very much liked. The pair of Amrapali Dubey and Nirhua is very much liked in the Bhojpuri industry. Now a video of both of them is going viral very fast on social media. In this video Amrapali Dubey and Nirhua Khullam are seen making khulla love.
One of the best song ‘Gori Teri Kamar Lachkauwa’ by Nirhua and Amrapali Dubey is becoming fiercely viral on social media at this time. In this song, both are seen rocking with their dance. This song has been picturized on Amrapali Dubey and Nirahua. The chemistry of both of them is being seen in this song. This song has been viewed more than 59 lakh times so far. The most special thing about this song is that it has been shot in London. In this song both Nirhua and Amrapali Dubey are seen in tremendous style. The song is sung by Indu Sonali and Dinesh Lal Yadav together. Watch this Bhojpuri hot song here….