New Delhi: Actress Nora Fatehi has shared pictures of her latest photoshoot on Instagram with fans on social media. Nora Fatehi is looking very glamorous in this look but her dress is so tight that people are asking in the comment section how Nora is able to breathe in such a tight dress.
Nora Fatehi
Dancing sensation Nora Fatehi recently shared pictures of her latest look with fans on Instagram.
Nora Fatehi look
In these pictures, Nora Fatehi is seen in a skin fit floral printed off shoulder dress. In the pictures you can see that this dress of Nora is very tight.
Impressed with hot look
Nora’s hot look is wreaking havoc during the photoshoot. She has kept her hair open. Designer earrings in matching color high heels and ears are adding to her beauty.
Nora fatehi instagram
Nora Fatehi is very active on social media and keeps sharing her great pictures and videos with fans every day.
Nora Fatehi latest song
Let us inform that recently Nora Fatehi’s song ‘Dance Meri Rani’ was released in which she did a tremendous dance. The song was filmed on Nora and singer Guru Randhawa.
Photo credit
All photos are taken from Nora Fatehi’s Instagram.