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HomePersonal FinancePM Kisan15th installment: Big News! Date of 15th installment of PM Kisan...

PM Kisan15th installment: Big News! Date of 15th installment of PM Kisan final, these farmers will not get benefit

PM Kisan Latest News: This is a shock for four crore beneficiaries out of 12 crore farmers registered under PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana. The government saved about Rs 46 thousand crore in four installments.

PM Kisan New: The 15th installment of PM Kisan will come into the accounts of farmers after two days i.e. on 15th November. PM Narendra Modi himself will directly transfer the installment of Rs 2000 to the accounts of 8 crore farmers. This is a setback for four crore beneficiaries out of 12 crore farmers registered under PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana. By restricting the ineligible candidates, the government saved about Rs 46 thousand crore in four installments (including the 15th).

Out of the last 14 installments, maximum 11 crore 27 lakh 90 thousand 289 farmers got the benefit of the scheme in April-July 2022-23. After this, the central and state governments started tightening their grip on the beneficiaries who were taking advantage of this scheme in a fake or wrong way.

Due to the strictness, the number of beneficiaries decreased by more than two crores to only 9 crores in August-November 2022-23. According to the data given on the PM Kisan portal, the December-March 2022-23 installment of PM Kisan was sent to the accounts of only 8.81 crore farmers. After this, 9.53 crore farmers could get the 14th installment or rather the April-July installment.

Earlier more than 11-11 crore farmers were taking benefits

The numbers started declining after the central government implemented eKYC and village-to-village verification of beneficiaries by state governments. Earlier, 11.27 crore farmer families in April-July 2022-23, 11.16 crore in December-March 2021-22, 11.19 crore in August-November 2021-22 and also 11.19 crore farmer families in April-July 2021-22 under PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana. Had taken advantage of.

Government saved Rs 46 thousand crore from ineligible people

If seen from this perspective, from the eighth to the 11th installment, the Central Government deposited approximately Rs 89.6 thousand crores in the accounts of the farmers. This also includes ineligible people. After strictness, the government released only Rs 35.35 thousand crore through the last 3 installments.

If we add Rs 8000 crore to be given on 15th November, this amount will become Rs 43.35 thousand crore. That is, by stopping fraud in PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, the government will save about Rs 46 thousand crores.

Installment wise number of beneficiary farmers

14th Installment (Apr-Jul 2023-24): 95358300
13th Installment (Dec-Mar 2022-2): 88139892
12th Installment (Aug-Nov 2022-23): 9,00,95,022
11th installment (APR-JUL 2022-23): 11,27,90,289
10th Installment (DEC-MAR 2021-22): 11,16,20,850
Ninth installment (AUG-NOV 2021-22): 11,19,57,273
Eighth installment (APR-JUL 2021-22): 11,16,34,202
Seventh (DEC-MAR 2020-21): 10,23,56,704
Sixth Installment (AUG-NOV 2020-21): 10,23,47,974
Fifth installment (APR-JUL 2020-21): 10,49,33,494
Fourth installment (DEC-MAR 2019-20): 8,96,27,631
Third Installment (AUG-NOV 2019-20): 8,76,29,679
Second installment (APR-JUL 2019-20): 6,63,57,850
First Installment (APR-JUL 2018-19): 3,16,16,015

Who are ineligible

Former or present ministers, MPs, MLAs, Mayors, Panchayat chiefs who are holding or have held constitutional posts.

Present or retired Central-State Government employees
All retired pensioners, whose monthly pension is Rs 10,000 or more.

Shyamu Maurya
Shyamu Maurya
Shyamu has done Degree in Fine Arts and has knowledge about bollywood industry. He started writing in 2018. Since then he has been associated with Informalnewz. In case of any complain or feedback, please contact me
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