While Priyanka Chopra has no answer in terms of fashion, her sister Parineeti Chopra is also trying to follow her step by step. By the way, these days she is seen as a judge in the reality show Hunarbaaz, where her styling sense is being well-liked. Hasina is sometimes seen wearing a sari and sometimes wreaking havoc in western dresses. Her fashion sense is so amazing that like her elder sister PC, she carries every outfit with complete confidence.
Priyanka liked Parineeti’s look
Parineeti Chopra has shared her hot pictures on social media, in which she is seen wearing a red color dress. In these photos, Hasina was looking so beautiful that her sister Priyanka Chopra also had to comment. She has praised Pari by making a heart emoji.
Dress with one-shoulder pattern
The red color dress that Parineeti wore was in a one-shoulder pattern. At the same time, the cut-work detailing was done on this gown.
Tube gown
The one sleeve which was added to the dress, its fabric was very light, due to which the tube pattern given in her dress was visible.
Wasteline was tight fitting
The strapless dress was kept in a fitted pattern at the waistline, showing off her slim waist and toned abdomen.
Pick’s Dress From This Fashion Label
To complete her look, Parineeti wore statement pearl earrings, bracelets and rings. Let us tell you that this beautiful dress was picked up by Haseena from the clothing line Jade.
Body hugging dress
Earlier, Parineeti wore a body hugging dress in black and golden color, in which the high-slit was given to add hotness to her look.
Show smooth legs
Hasina was not only seen highlighting her curvy figure in this figure hugging dress, but she was also seen flaunting smooth legs.