Amid the severe cold prevailing in Madhya Pradesh, the weather may worsen in the coming days. The Meteorological Department has predicted rain in some parts of the state in the next two to three days. During this time, hailstorms are also expected at some places.
Rainfall Alert: Amid the severe cold prevailing in Madhya Pradesh, the weather may worsen in the coming days. The Meteorological Department has predicted rain in some parts of the state in the next two to three days. During this time, hailstorms are also expected at some places.
According to the local weather centre, due to snowfall in the northern part of the country, the minimum temperature will once again fall in the entire region including the capital Bhopal. The minimum temperature can reach 5 to 6 degrees Celsius in many parts.
There was a slight relief from the fall in the minimum temperature for the last three-four days, but now in the coming days it can fall again to around 5 to 6 degrees. In the second week of December, the minimum temperature was being recorded from one degree to 5 degrees in many parts, but it increased and it reached from 7 to 13 degrees.
Strong winds will blow and hailstorm is also likely
According to the Meteorological Center, in the coming days, north-western winds will also bring moisture from the Arabian Sea. Due to this, there will be rain in many parts in the next two-three days and hailstorm is also expected at some places. Along with this, there will be fog in the morning. The temperature will also fall.
Today, fog was seen in the morning in the capital Bhopal and surrounding areas and the effect of cold winds was also felt. The minimum temperature in Bhopal was recorded at 10.2 degrees. The minimum temperature in Gwalior was 9.3 degrees. The lowest minimum temperature was 6.2 degrees in Naugaon. Apart from this, it was 7.9 degrees in the hill station Pachmarhi.