Mumbai. Bhojpuri cinema’s veteran actress Rani Chatterjee has also spread her rage on social media. The actress is leaving no stone unturned to entertain the fans by making new videos every day. Meanwhile, she has shown hot moves on another latest song. This time she has been seen dancing to the song ‘Mud Mud Ke’ by Jacqueline Fernandez and Italian star Michelle Morron.
Rani Chatterjee, the queen of Bhojpuri cinema, has shared a video on Instagram, in which she is seen in workout gears. In the video, choreographer Lucky Vishwakarma can be seen with Rani. Together, both of them are seen doing the hook steps of the song ‘Mud Mud Ke’. Apart from the great dance moves, Rani can also be seen giving killer expressions in the video.
This video is being liked a lot in the Instagram world. Take a look at the comment box, people have heaped praise on the actress. One user wrote, Nora Fatehi also failed ma’am in front of you. Another wrote, Amazing. Apart from this, red heart and heart eye emoji are also being seen on the post.
Even before this, Rani Chatterjee shared a hot video in a Thai high slit gown of red wine color. During this, she was also seen showing performances on Jacqueline’s song ‘Pani Pani’.