Meerut-Delhi Rapid Rail reached Anand Vihar, New Ashok Nagar in Delhi on Sunday. Now the next stop in Delhi is Sarai Kale Khan. Now everyone is waiting for the arrival of Rapid and Metro in Meerut city. It is claimed that travel to Shatabdi Nagar will start in February-March and to Modipuram in June.
The Meerut-Delhi Rapid Rail reached Anand Vihar, New Ashok Nagar in Delhi on Sunday. Now the next stop in Delhi is Sarai Kale Khan. Now everyone is waiting for the arrival of Rapid Metro in Meerut city. It is claimed that travel to Shatabdi Nagar will begin in February-March and to Modipuram in June. On Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the Rapid Rail Corridor from Sahibabad to New Ashok Nagar by travelling in the Namo Bharat Train. With this, the operation of the Rapid Rail has started in the 55-kilometer corridor from Meerut South (Partapur) to New Ashok Nagar.
Now people have started travelling comfortably from Partapur in Meerut to Anand Vihar, New Ashok Nagar. Now the next phase of Rapid is Shatabdinagar in Meerut, which is likely to start in February-March. From Meerut South to Shatabdinagar, all the three stations Partapur, Rithani and Shatabdinagar are in the final touches.
The total length of the Rapid Rail Corridor in Meerut is 23 km
There is a total length of 23 km Rapid Rail Corridor between Meerut South Station and Modipuram in Meerut city, on which both the high-speed Namo Bharat Train and Meerut Metro are to be operated by June. With this, the Rapid Rail corridor will be 82 km long between Modipuram in Meerut and Sarai Kale Khan in Delhi, and the journey will be completed in just 50 minutes. Similarly, the Meerut Metro is to be operated in 23 km between Meerut South and Modipuram in Meerut city. NCRTC claims that the civil work has been completed. All stations are being given the final touch.
Rapid Metro Stations in Meerut
Meerut South, Shatabdinagar, Begumpul and Modipuram
Metro stations in Meerut
Meerut South, Partapur, Rithani, Shatabdinagar, Brahmapuri, Meerut Central, Bhainsali, Begumpul, MES Colony (Gandhibagh), Dorli, Meerut North, Modipuram, Modipuram Depot