Jio has launched its new New Year Welcome Plan. The price of this plan has been kept at Rs 2025. In this, customers are being given many benefits like unlimited 5G data, 200 days validity and unlimited calling. This plan will be available till January 11 under a limited time offer. It has been listed on the company’s website.
We are currently in the month of December and the new year will start in a few days. Only a few days are left for the new year. Meanwhile, taking the celebration of the new year even further, Jio has launched one of its amazing prepaid plans. Jio has launched the new New Year Welcome Plan. Its price has been kept at Rs 2025. In this plan, customers will get many more benefits including unlimited 5G data and unlimited voice calls. The special thing is that customers will also get benefits worth more than this plan i.e. Rs 2,150.
Details of Rs 2025
This new plan of Jio has been listed on the company’s website in the category of 2.5GB daily data plan. It has been tagged in the limited time offer. Because, this offer is only from 11 December to 11 January. In this prepaid plan, customers will get 200 days validity. During this time, customers will also be given 2.5GB data daily. In this way, customers will get a total of 500GB data in this plan. Let us tell you that after the daily data limit, the data speed will decrease to 64kbsp. At the same time, eligible subscribers will also get unlimited 5G data in the plan.
Apart from this, customers will also get unlimited voice calling benefits and 100 SMS per day. Apart from this, customers will also get access to JioTV, JioCinema and JioCloud. However, JioCinema premium subscription will not be included in this.
Coupons worth Rs 2,150 will be available:
Customers will get coupons worth flat Rs 500 on a minimum order of Rs 2,999 on Ajio. The link to buy the product is given on the company’s site.
Customers will also get up to Rs 1500 discount on flights on
Similarly, a discount of Rs 150 will be available on a minimum purchase of Rs 499 on Swiggy.
Plan with 365 days validity
Let us tell you that Jio also offers an annual plan for Rs 3,599. In this, customers are given a validity of 365 days. In this too, customers are given 2.5GB data daily, 100 SMS daily and unlimited voice calling benefits. Customers get a total of 912.5GB data in this.