Sakari Naukri 2021: Revised notification of recruitment of 12603 trained graduates (TGT) in schools of UP and 2595 total 15,198 posts of spokesperson (PGT) has been issued.
UPSESSB TGT PGT Recruitment 2021:
Bumper vacancy has emerged in UP for people looking for government job (Sakari Naukri). The process of applying for thousands of teachers posts in UP is starting from today. Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Service Selection Board has issued a revised advertisement for the appointment of 12603 trained graduates (TGT) and 2595 total 15198 posts of spokespersons (PGT) in more than 4500 aided secondary schools of the state. Notification was issued by the Secondary Education Service Selection Board on 29 October 2020 for 12913 posts of TGT and 2595 posts of PGT totaling 15508. After a few days, on 18 November this notification was canceled due to technical reasons and now a new notification was released on Monday. In the new notification, 310 posts of TGT have been reduced. Earlier, the chairman of the selection board, Viresh Kumar, had said not to reduce the post. On the other hand, action is also being taken against district school inspectors.
Description of posts
Trained Graduate (TGT) – 12603 posts
Spokesperson (PGT) – 2595 Posts
To apply for these posts, candidates should have a post graduate degree in a related subject with B.Ed. The candidates must have completed 21 years of age for these posts.
This will be the selection
Written test will be conducted for selection on TGT post, and the candidates will be selected on the basis of the same. There will be no negative marking in the written examination.
There will be interview along with written test for selection on the post of PGT, and on the basis of this, the candidates will be selected. Candidates who pass the written examination will be called for interview. There will be 85 percent marks on the basis of written examination. 10 percent will be on the basis of interview.
How to apply
Interested and eligible candidates can apply online by visiting the website from today (Tuesday).