Samsung has launched two laptops named Samsung Galaxy Book Pro and Galaxy Book Pro 360. Both laptops work on the Intel 11th Generation and have Iris Xe graphics. Let us tell you that the Galaxy Book Pro comes with 360 stylus pen, which gives the ability to write and draw on the screen.
Samsung has launched two laptops named Samsung Galaxy Book Pro and Galaxy Book Pro 360. Both laptops work on the Intel 11th Generation and have Iris Xe graphics. Let us tell you that the Galaxy Book Pro comes with 360 stylus pen, which gives the ability to write and draw on the screen.
Since the corona infection knocked, many people are doing office work from their home and many students are also using laptops a lot. In such a situation, the company has launched its laptop to capitalize on the increasing popularity of laptops. In addition, Samsung has given the features of a second screen name, so that users will be able to see the screen of the laptop in the Galaxy Tab.
Specifications of Samsung Galaxy Book Pro
The Samsung Galaxy Book Pro laptop comes in two screen sizes, the Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 13 and the Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 15 variant, which feature 13.3-inch and 15-inch AMOLED displays, respectively. The specifications of both laptops are the same. Both laptops have full HD Plus display, which has a resolution of 1,920 × 1,080 pixels. This laptop is an 11th-generation Intel Core i7 processor. It will get up to 32 GB of RAM and up to 1 TB of NVMe SSD storage. The Galaxy Book Pro 360 has a 65W USB Type-C Fast Charger.
Specifications of Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360
The Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 specification has two different variants, namely the Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 13 (13.3 inch screen) and the second variant Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 15, which has a 15-inch Super AMOLED display. These models have 11th-generation Intel Core i7 and Intel Iris Xe graphics. The laptop has up to 32GB of RAM and up to 1TB of NVMe SSD storage. The Book Pro 360 13 has a 63Whr battery while the Galaxy Book Pro 360 15 has a 68Whr battery.
Samsung laptop price
The Samsung Galaxy Book Pro is priced at a starting price of $ 999 (approximately Rs. 74,400). While the starting price of Galaxy Book Pro 360 starts at $ 1,199 (about Rs 89,300). Let’s say that the Samsung Galaxy Book Pro comes in Mystic Blue, Mystic Silver and Mystique Ping and Mystique Gold Color. The Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 can be purchased in the Mystique Navy, Mystique Silver and Mystique Bronze shades. However, when it will be launched in India, it has not been informed.