Sanjay Dutt’s daughter Trishala Dutt often shares things related to her life on social media. She also shares her reaction with her followers on the events in her personal life. That is why, Trishala is very close to Bollywood even while away from Bollywood and has a huge fan following in social media. Now in her latest post, Trishala has written a very inspiring message, highlighting a shortcoming related to her body.
Trishala wrote post on Instagram
Trishala has shared a picture of herself on Instagram, in which she is wearing a white bralette and she is showing her stretch marks from the side. With this Trishala wrote – My stretch marks are a sign that once my body was growing rapidly and where my skin could not keep pace with the growth of my body, now a permanent scar remains.
It also reminds me that my body was strong enough to handle my growth. At that time, I also needed strength to fight some emptiness in my life, which I achieved by eating a lot of food. It made me feel full immediately. However, it was getting over me. I’m glad I got over it. It’s not ideal. It’s not what I wanted, but it’s what I got. Now these are mine. The scars of my battles, which have faded with time, but I am proud of them.
Trishala Dutt is away from films
Let me tell you, Trishala is away from Bollywood and she has never worked in films. Trishala lives in America with her maternal grandparents. She is the daughter of Sanjay Dutt’s first wife Richa Sharma. Richa had died of cancer. Trishala has studied Psychology and made a career in the same field. Talking about Sanjay, she will now be seen in the role of a villain in Shamshera, which is releasing in theaters on July 22. Ranbir Kapoor and Vaani Kapoor are in lead roles in this film.