Credit card brings with it a lot of perks. In such a situation, it becomes more important that its maintenance should be done carefully. Because in today’s time, if you make a small mistake, then you can get hurt. Let us know how you can get your credit card blocked through an SMS.
State Bank of India has written on its website, “SBI Card is committed to protect you from any suspicious and fraudulent transactions. If we observe any suspicious activity on your card, we will block it for security reasons to protect you from misuse.”
How to block card through SMS
If you have lost the card or it has been stolen by someone, in such a situation, you will be able to block your card through SMS. After writing BLOCK XXXX (XXXX – last four digits of credit card) to block the card, you can get blocked via SMS to 5676791. Apart from this, you will also be able to block by visiting 18601801290/39020202.
How to know if the card is blocked or not
After the complete process, you will get the information about the card being blocked through SMS, mail or IVR call. If for some reason you do not get any update from the bank, then in that case it can be easily found by calling SBI card helpline 39020202 or 1860 180 1290. But keep in mind that the blocked card cannot be activated again.