Shraddha Arya, who plays Preeta in ‘Kundali Bhagya’, had a night out party with her girl gang after marriage. She has shared a glimpse of this on her Insta story. Along with this, she has also shared a video. In this video, she has shown a glimpse of the unseen moments spent with her husband.
‘Kundali Bhagya’ fame Shraddha Arya is enjoying her newly married life. Her husband is an officer in the Indian Navy. Shraddha returned to Mumbai after a few days of marriage and has been busy with her work since then. Along with this, she is having a lot of fun with her girl gang. Shraddha’s girl gang includes TV actresses like Heena Parmar, sister Divya Arya and Pooja Thakur. Shraddha has shared a video on her Insta story. In this video, she is seen having a lot of fun with her girl gang.
Shraddha Arya (Shraddha Aarya Party Video) and her friend Heena Parmar have shared many videos on their respective Insta stories. In these videos, Shraddha can be seen enjoying a night out with friends. The party has been named as Pajama Party by Girlgang. Because Shraddha’s girl gang came to enjoy this party in night dress itself.
In these picture-videos we can see that Shraddha Arya wore a pink satin night dress with traditional red bangles (chooda) and was spending quality time with friends. All the girls wore relaxing outfits. Everyone was seen dancing and having fun on the rocking song. Shraddha looked very happy to be reuniting with friends.
You can also see a glimpse of their food in Shraddha and Heena Parmar’s Insta story. Shraddha and her girl gang enjoyed a lot, from tasty dinner to watching the sky at 3:30 in the morning and making funny reels. Apart from this, Shraddha had also posted another video in which she has told about her 2021 gist. In this video, many unseen moments are being seen with her husband Rahul Nagal.
Shraddha Arya married on November 16
Shraddha and her husband Rahul Sharma Nagal can be seen dancing together, riding bikes, kissing and lastly performing the wedding rituals. Shraddha married Rahul on November 16 on November 16. After marriage, she had come to the Mother Sharda temple to seek blessings.