New Delhi: TV’s talented actress Shweta Tiwari competes with newly born heroines in beauty even at this stage of age. Every look of the actress gets a lot of praise. Whenever she posts a photo, it starts going viral within a few minutes. In this episode, Shweta Tiwari has shared some of her latest pictures on social media. In which she is seen in a very hot look. Anyone who sees it makes anyone sweat.
Shweta Tiwari has shared four pictures on her official Instagram account. In which she is seen in party look. In the pictures, Shweta is seen wearing a black transparent gown. With which she left the hair open. This designer dress of hers has side slit and sequin work from top to bottom. The actress has carried a green colored stone bracelet with the dress.
Talking about makeup, Shweta is looking amazing in smokey eyes, blushed cheeks with nude lipstick. In the pictures, Shweta has given many different poses and flaunts her curvy figure. Every style of Shweta in the photos is killer. Sharing the post, Shweta wrote in the caption, ‘Every color has its own language.’ These photos of Shweta are getting a lot of likes and comments.
Commenting on a user, wrote, ‘Will someone call the fire brigade.’ Another user wrote, ‘Since your life, you are setting fire. Another user wrote, ‘I have never seen such a hot mom.’ Apart from the fans, many stars also praised Shweta including names like Juhi Parmar, Sara Khan, Daljit Kaur and Srishti Rode. While commenting, Rati Pandey wrote, ‘Evergreen Diva.’
Shweta Tiwari is always in the headlines for her glamorous pictures. Whenever she posts a photo, it becomes very viral on social media. Priyanka Chopra crossed all limits of bo*ldness, wore such a deep neck dress, in which everything was visible