Student Credit Card: The use of credit cards has changed our spending habits a lot and now most people use credit cards instead of savings accounts in emergencies. Student credit cards are also in vogue like regular credit cards, which are designed to maintain a balance between expenses and earnings of college students. Student credit cards help you manage your money and spend it in an easier way. Students studying in India or abroad can use this card. The credit cards given to the students attract interest and the deals are also very good.
Advantages and Features of Student Credit Card
These credit cards come with limited credit, so students do not spend much money and do not end up with debt. The amount of cash withdrawal under this card is less, so students use this fund thoughtfully, the validity of this credit card is 5 years. Students can convert this card into a standard credit card after the completion of their studies. Students can also increase its limit according to their job and income. Paying your credit bills on time improves your credit score. Students understand finance at an early age. There is no fee to apply for student credit card.
How to apply
You can do student credit card both online and offline. To apply for student credit card, it is very important for you to be a college student and thus your age should be 18 years. However, some credit card companies also demand education loans.
How to apply online
If you have an FD in your name, then you can apply for a credit card in its name. Apart from this, your parents can get a student credit card made for you by taking the option of add-on to your existing credit card.
Which documents are required
If you are a student and are considering applying for a credit card, then you may need these documents a lot. To apply for the credit card, you will need a birth certificate, college or university ID, PAN card, residential address proof and passport size photograph.